
b. 18 November 1900–d. 29 June 1978

13 publications between 1941 and 1977 indexed
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Works authored

Hemon, Roparz, Doctrin an christenien: texte de 1622 en moyen-breton accompagné de la version française et du texte en breton moderne de 1677, Medieval and Modern Breton Series, 4, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1977.
Hemon, Roparz, A historical morphology and syntax of Breton, Medieval and Modern Breton Series, 3, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1975.
Hemon, Roparz, Les fragments de La Destruction de Jérusalem et des Amours du Vieillard (textes en moyen-breton), Medieval and Modern Breton Series, 2, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1969.
Hemon, Roparz, Trois poèmes en moyen-breton, Medieval and Modern Breton Series, 1, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1962.
Hemon, Roparz, Christmas hymns in the Vannes dialect of Breton, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1956. lxxii + 115 pp.

Contributions to journals

Hemon, Roparz, “Diminutive suffixes in Breton”, Celtica 11 (1976): 85–93.
Hemon, Roparz, “The verbal form deur in Breton”, Celtica 4 (1958): 211–216.
Hemon, Roparz, “La spirante dentale en breton”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 25 (1956): 59–87.
Hemon, Roparz, “On some forms of the verb ‘to be’ in Breton”, Celtica 2:2 (1954, 1954): 217–228.
Hemon, Roparz, “The Breton personal pronoun as direct object of the verb”, Celtica 2:2 (1954, 1954): 229–244.
Hemon, Roparz, “Le verbe réfléchi en Breton”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 24 (1954): 248–263.
Hemon, Roparz, “Die Vereinheitlichung des Bretonischen”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 23 (1943): 121–124.
Hemon, Roparz, “Die Vereinheitlichung des Bretonischen”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 22 (1941): 293–306.

About the author

Krol, Jelle, “Combative minority literature writers in the aftermath of the Great War: Douwe Kalma, Saunders Lewis, Hugh MacDiarmid and Roparz Hemon”, PhD thesis, University of Groningen, 2018.. <link>